Scientific method in application


The Scientific method

The scientific method is used for finding answers with observations and evidence for almost anything on earth. The scientific method makes sure that you have the proper evidence needed as if you follow all of the steps in the scientific method, your theory is supported. For the scientific method, you need to go through five steps before you can get a conclusion to your experiment which may seem bothersome but this is what makes it credible. Scientific methods usually require multiple science experiments so that they can prove something or when the question is more open.

critical thinking

Critical thinking used more for analysing facts to understand a concept. Some steps include: finding the problem, why and how, collecting information, analyse what went wrong or what went right, conclusion, etc… critical thinking also uses more of research with computers or physically (books or observations) as it is more on the analytical side. For this, you are usually supporting a point with information already existing instead of searching and finding something completely undiscovered.

how can the scientific method be useful in real life and an example

a possible example of how the scientific method could be used in everyday life is:
observation: baby is crying (you can visually see this and this is the issue that you want to focus on)
question: is the baby hungry? (this is what you are trying to find out)
hypothesis: if the baby is hungry, it will stop crying when it is fed (if you do what the question needs then the problem should be solved and this is also evidence if it works)
experiment: feed baby (testing to see if it was true or not)
result: baby stops crying (what happened as a cause of the experiment)
conclusion: the baby was hungry (what happened in response to the observation)
whenever you try to do something out of curiosity, you use the scientific method whether you realise it or not. you might not directly say "Oh the conclusion was that --" but you would have came to the realisation of whatever it was. the results of it may not always be positive as the baby might not have stopped crying as it was cold not hungry but this would mean that you should do it again and again until the answer it solved.

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